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Join our Board of Directors
The Black Queer Youth Collective is embarking on an exciting new venture. As a result, we are actively recruiting individuals to join our new Board of Directors.
The Black Queer Youth Collective is individuals to join our Board of Directors. There are leadership opportunities in Project Management, Record Keeping, Data Science, Business Strategy, Marketing, and Public Relations. To apply, email a one page biography detailing your work experience, education, and other qualifications to info@blackqueeryouthcollective.org. All applicants will also be asked to complete a short online application form.
Update: The BQYC seeking six individuals to join our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will function as a Working Board. All Board members must be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident, 18 years of age or older, and have at least two years of advisory, consulting or volunteer experience. Potential Board Members must be committed to upholding our values, adhering to our professional code of conduct, and key operational principles. We will continue recruitment until all Board positions are filled.