
Virtual Pride Panel - Planning for the unexpected

Q. What is something you wish you knew before coming out?

A. Was to save my coin because you never know. Save your money and have a back up plan because you never know. Something could happen, your family might not agree with you and you need to get out of this situation and find somewhere safe so make sure that you are safe before you come out. That's your first foremost thing. Make sure you know where you're going to be going if anything goes south. Make sure that you, if you can even hold on until maybe … and you don’t cause you have… If you could hold off until you’re eighteen because you do not have anywhere that you can go ummm try to do that so that so you have somewhere to fall back on in the event that your family does displace you because it may happen.


Virtual Pride Panel - A message for parents and caregivers


Virtual Pride Panel - Reflections on Coming Out as Trans